PTMVision: Interactive Visualization of Post Translational Modifications

Understanding the intricate landscape of PTMs is crucial for unraveling the complex mechanisms underlying cellular processes and diseases. With PTMVision, researchers can effortlessly analyze and explore PTM data derived from various sources, including search engines such as ionbot, MSFragger, Sage, or from a plain CSV table format processed from mass spectrometry (MS) data.

Usage Instruction

Upload Data
Upload your data or re-upload existing session data at panel ; Enter the required input and click on Submit. Alternatively, you can load an example session. Your current session data can be downloaded by clicking on in the header menu on the right.

Overview Proteins
After data transfer and successful processing, you will receive an overview of all PTMs in your data in panel .
A tabular overview of all proteins available from your data is given in panel . The table can be filtered for protein name, UniProt identifier and modification names. Select a single protein from the table and click Display to get a detailed view of the PTMs in the selected protein.

Explore Detail
Detail information about the occurrence of PTMs for the selected protein is displayed in panel . You can switch between two display modes via the top-right button on the panel:
The Modification View focuses on the occurrence of PTMs along the selected protein primary sequence as well as per amino acid.
The Structure View focuses on the occurrence of PTMs in the context of residues that are in close spatial contact.


We recommend using PTMVision in Chrome or Firefox for optimal performance. Safari has issues when visualising larger datasets.
Note that PTMVision serves solely to visualize the content provided in the input and does not conduct any further quality control. The localization of modifications still remains a challenging task and may yield imprecise results.
PTMVision will be continuously updated and improved, including the addition of filters for localisation scores as soon as they will be reported by search engines.
Upload post-translational modification data from open or closed search or Restart previous PTMVision session
Specify pipeline with which your data was generated: Specify PTM data file: Specify mass shift tolerance:  Only relevant for closed searches.

Specify previously downloaded PTMVision session .zlib file:
Overview PTMs
Select single protein of interest
Filter for modifications by UniMod name: 
Filter for protein names/UniProt identifier: 
Explore detail